Insultotron 1.1

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Random Jokes and Taunts: Displays a random combination of a joke and a taunt every
few minutes.
● Interactive Popup: Offers two buttons:
○ Close and Cry a Little: Closes the popup and logs the displayed joke and taunt.
○ Shut Down Like a B*tch: Clears the popup, displays a shutdown message, and
terminates the plugin.

● Clean Termination: Ensures the plugin shuts down cleanly when the second button is

Category: Tag:


Let the Insult-o-tron lighten the mood with its witty remarks!
Insult-o-tron is a GrandMA3 Lua plugin designed to provide light-hearted entertainment through
a timed popup window that displays random jokes and taunts.


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Rodger Pugh

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