Your satisfaction is our top priority. If you ever encounter any issues or have questions about a purchased product, please feel free to reach out directly to the respective provider. Our providers are committed to assisting you promptly and efficiently, ensuring that you have the best possible user experience. Thank you for placing your trust in us.
About Vendors
lWhat do I have to do to offer my products on Add-On-Desk?
To offer your products on Add-On-Desk, follow these steps:
Register as a vendor on the Add-On-Desk platform. This step gives you access to the “Vendor Zone” and allows you to publish your products.
About Payment
How can I pay for my product at the Add-On Desk?
You can pay for your product at Add-On Desk using PayPal. Here are the ways you can pay:
- PayPal Balance: If you have money in your PayPal account, you can use it to pay.
- Credit or Debit Cards: You can link your card to your PayPal account and pay with it.
- Bank Account: Connect your bank account to PayPal for direct payments.
All payments on Add-On Desk are safe and go through PayPal. If you have questions or issues, you can contact our customer support.